Monday, January 7, 2013

non-stok tots: hannah reyes (06 jan 2013)

this ... from a blog i follow ... wala lang ...

So I decided to give myself a scar for happiness.
On that morning in the end of December, 92-year old Fang-Od used a thorn and some wood to hammer the ink just above my nape. It was an hour of pain, but my head was filled with happy thoughts--of seeing the Mona Lisa, the sound a shutter makes when the camera clicks, milk and cookie dates, being on a plane and seeing the city lights of home from your window, waves, sky, sunshine, love. 
And while I was sitting there, I thought about how much I've had to struggle to keep and carry light. To keep believing in the good in a world that tells you otherwise is not a painless process. The happiest things in my life didn't come easy. I feel like I had to be brave to be happy.  And now I have this in my skin--a tiny reminder of the value of having adventures, and of being gentle, and of staying foolish.
hannah reyes is a photographer .. up cum laude .. free spirit