Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Ninja Stock Monitor: ANS (21 feb 2013)

selected technical indicators of PSE-listed stocks 

21 feb 2013 closing prices 

ans (andres soriano corp)  

c: 6.38(+)
s: 6.28, 6.20, 6.00
r: 6.44, 6.50, 6.60
vol: (average)
macd: (+)
macd histogram: (+)
macd histogram direction: (-)
rsi: 82.85(+)
sts: 97.67(+

for an explanation of the indicators ... click: here 

1. ans is now trading at its highest ever (as far as i can remember)  ...  closing @6.38 .. tho someone tried to close it at 6.44 (but was only successful for a few minutes before another trader sold it down to 6.38) ..
2. the macd histogram went lower still as a result of the 2 red candles days before ... but both the rsi and sts are at overbought levles already and still rising ...
3. im just holding .. waiting for any dividend announcement before the annual stockholders' meeting this coming 17 april 2013 ...
4. just a word of CAUTION: manipis ... 

for reference .. you may also want to read: my trading rules

p.s. readers are encouraged to check out the stocks' charts themselves .. using the values for each of the indicators (the values for the indicators are the default values used in's charts) ... in the absence of any personal charting program, the pse website's charts are enough for the purpose