Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Ninja Stock Monitor: SMDC (24 feb 2013)

selected technical indicators of PSE-listed stocks 

22 feb 2013 closing prices 

smdc (sm devt. corp.)  

c: 9.32(-)
s: 9.20, 9.00
r: 9.55, 9.60, 9.70
vol: (-)
macd: (+)
macd histogram: (+)
macd histogram direction: (-)
rsi: 81.69(-)
sts: 90.69(+

for an explanation of the indicators ... click: here 

1. smdc tried to break the 9.60 resistance but reached only up to 9.55 before closing down to 9.32 ..
2. the macd histogram changed direction ... caution! both rsi and sts still at oberbot levels ..
3. will be monitoring smdc closely tomoro ..

previous SMDC monitor: The Ninja Stock Monitor: SMDC (21 feb 2013)

for reference .. you may also want to read: my trading rules

p.s. readers are encouraged to check out the stocks' charts themselves .. using the values for each of the indicators (the values for the indicators are the default values used in's charts) ... in the absence of any personal charting program, the pse website's charts are enough for the purpose